Shared libraries (.so files)
Kdevelop allows to create a libtool library easily. From time to time we need something simplier, however, like standard shared library. You can create one without modyfying Makefiles by hand. Even Kdevelop FAQ has a section about it. The method works, but the author doesn't clearly write where is every needed option.
You can create a .so library in KDevelopie (my version is 3.2.0) this way:
- Open Automake Manager — with default config it's one of the tabs on the right.
- Create new subproject for your shared libraries. You can name it plugins if your libraries will be plugins.
- In the new subproject create new target with the following options:
Primary: Program
Prefix: noinst
File name: insert your library full name here eg.
Below, in linker options (Others: field) type -shared
- Right-click on the subproject, choose Options and on the first tab (Compiler) fill options for the right compiler (CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS). You need -fPIC.
- To be sure I've changed linker options for the new target. To get to them right-click on the target library (lower window of Automake Manager) and choose Options from the menu, then Options tab. I've filled the Others: field with -version-info 0:0:1 -shared (0:0:1 is my version number).